Why Does The Dentist Take X-Rays Of My Teeth?

When you visit the pediatric dentist your children will occasionally have the opportunity to get X-Rays taken of their teeth.  You may be wondering why X-Rays are necessary.  They are actually an important part of diagnosing dental concerns in children.  It is the best way to catch certain dental issues that can’t be seen with the naked eye.  

The Benefits Of Getting Dental X-Rays

Your dental team can only diagnose so much without the help of our expert tools and X-Rays give us the ability to look between and underneath the teeth.  When your dentist looks at X-Rays they will be able to see how your child’s teeth are starting to grow in, how they are aligning, and any darkspots that could potentially turn into cavities.  Sometimes children are missing adult teeth or have impacted teeth.  We are able to identify these issues before they become a problem when we take X-Rays!

Getting An X-Ray

The X-ray taking process is short & simple!  Typically the dental assistant that is helping your with your cleaning will be the one to take your X-Rays.  We will help your child cover up with a lead body apron, get them settled, and then use a camera to get pictures of the mouth.  Here at Wasatch Pediatric Dentistry we do our best to make the X-Ray taking process as easy and fast as possible!  

Schedule an appointment with Wasatch Pediatric Dentistry to make sure your child’s teeth are happy & healthy!

Make an appointment!

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