Tips to Soothe Loose Tooth Pain

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Losing a tooth is a significant milestone in development, but a loose tooth can be uncomfortable for your child, particularly if it's their first one. Irritation of the gum from a loose tooth can lead to redness, swelling, and slight bleeding.

Although it can be uncomfortable and even painful, it's crucial to allow a baby tooth to fall out naturally. Twisting or forcibly removing it could result in further harm. In the meantime, you can try the following methods to alleviate loose tooth pain for your child.

1. Opt for softer foods

During the initial stage of a loose tooth, your child may not even notice any changes. Chewing hard or crunchy foods can become painful as the tooth becomes looser. Switching to softer options such as yogurt, pasta, potatoes, rice, or applesauce can make eating more comfortable. Additionally, your child may prefer chewing on the opposite side of their mouth to avoid soreness or discomfort.

2. Apply Cold Compresses

If the swelling around the tooth becomes painful, wrap an ice pack in a towel and hold it against the area. The cold compress can assist in reducing inflammation. Eating ice cream or a popsicle can also provide relief — as long as your child brushes their teeth following the sugary indulgence, of course.

3. Saltwater Rinses

- Mix 8 ounces of warm water with half a teaspoon of salt until the salt dissolves.

- Instruct your child to swish the salty water in their mouth, paying particular attention to the sore area.

- Salt naturally disinfects and reduces swelling and gum pain.

- The swishing motion can also dislodge any food stuck around the tooth.

4. Cleaning Around the Tooth

Even if the tooth is loose, maintaining good oral hygiene remains crucial for minimizing plaque and bacteria around the gums. Adopt a gentle and thorough approach while brushing around the tooth and the neighboring gums.

5. Try Over-the-Counter Medications

If natural remedies are ineffective for your child, it's also acceptable to administer small doses of aspirin or ibuprofen as recommended by their doctor. Remember, though, that this approach only offers temporary relief.

Get In Touch With Wasatch Pediatric Dentistry 

Whether it's your child's first loose tooth or their tenth, each experience can be unique. To ensure proper oral health and prevent infections, reach out to Wasatch Pediatric Dentistry today.

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