Dental Flossing for Kids

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As a pediatric dentist in Cache Valley, we get a lot of questions about flossing kid’s teeth. That includes: At what age should we start flossing their teeth? Does it matter to floss if they have large gaps between their teeth?

We’ve also had a number of parents mention that their kids hate flossing and are looking for ways to make it fun. 

Let’s start with the basics of why flossing is so important. 

Flossing is crucial for removing food particles and plaque that builds up between teeth. It also polishes the sides of teeth and prevents tartar which could lead to cavities (which leads to the need for fillings or crowns). Flossing also helps fight bad breath because it whisks away odor-causing bacteria and food grime. While brushing your teeth cleans the front and back of your teeth, flossing cleans the sides of your teeth. So, when you skip flossing, the job is only halfway done! 

Teach Kids The Proper Flossing Technique

We recommend starting to floss your child’s teeth once a day as soon as two teeth emerge that touch. It will take some time before kids have the proper technique down (and patience), so in the meantime, work with them every night to help create a solid foundation. You can use traditional dental floss or dental floss picks (which can work great because kids can struggle with handling regular dental floss in the beginning). If using traditional dental floss, teach your child to grip a length of dental floss between their thumb and index finger on each hand. Show them how to wrap the dental floss around their index finger to reduce slipping. Relax the floss into a “C” shape and gently glide it between their teeth and down slightly under the gum. It’s good practice to use a new section of floss between each tooth to prevent spreading germs. We mentioned above that dental floss picks can work wonders for kids! Show your child how to push the floss gently between the teeth and how to tell when they need a new flosser. 

How to Get Kids Excited About Dental Care

Teaching your kids the steps of flossing is one thing but getting them to be excited about it? That’s a whole other challenge! Try out these tactics to make dental flossing and dental care more fun. 

-Make flossing a family activity (and we don’t mean the floss dance) ;) 

Kids learn best by following a good example. Brush your teeth alongside your little ones and let them watch you floss your teeth. Try switching things up by letting them brush your teeth while you brush theirs! 

-Take them shopping for a new toothbrush, dental floss and a new flavor of toothpaste

I’m sure you can already imagine how much fun they’ll have choosing between a classic princess toothbrush or whatever popular Disney character is on the rise at the moment! 

-Offer Incentives

Whether it’s potty training, getting kids to sleep in their own beds or getting them to floss their teeth– incentives are always a good idea to try if all else fails! Immediate, tangible rewards are best. 

Make an Appointment For Your Child’s Next Checkup

Dr. Kurt is always there to help talk to your kids about the importance of proper brushing and flossing. If you have any questions or concerns, make sure to let us know! You can schedule an appointment by calling 435) 999-0234 during regular business hours. We’re open Wednesday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM. To schedule an appointment after hours, you can fill out this form.